Williamsburg Programs and Services


Congregate Meals, 11:45, Tues, Wed, Thurs & delivery on Fridays
Meals prepared by Highland Valley Elder Services are being served Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Their meals will be delivered on Fridays. Payment by donation. (HVES suggests $3 / meal.) Call 413 268-8419 for information.

Monday Meals, Mondays, 11:45
Monday Meals are made fresh at the Senior Center with healthy (local, when possible) ingredients, Eat in or pick-up, $3 per meal. Please call by Thursday to reserve your meal! (No meals on Monday holidays)

Brown Bag Program
The Food Bank of Western Mass sponsors the Brown Bag Program, in which eligible seniors can get a FREE supplemental bag of groceries on the second Thursday of each month. Applications available at The Senior Center (413 268-8419) or at The Food Bank of Western MA. (413 247-9738).

Take and Eat, Saturdays
Meals prepared alternately by Our Lady of the Hills Church and Williamsburg Congregational Church and delivered on Saturdays. These churches have taken the initiative to help seniors who often don't get out to get a healthy meal including snacks and desserts. Often serves as two meals! Call 268-8407.


Benefit and Options Counseling
We can help you find the resources you need to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Create short and long-term plans for service
  • Identify resources that will facilitate your continued independence
  • Plan for support to ensure your ability to age in your home or help you determine what other options you may want to consider
  • Help you sign up for Fuel Assistance & Snap programs.

Veterans’ Service Office
Although there are no office hours in the Town Offices, Robert Vigneault, may be reached at his office: 413 587-1299.

SHINE Representative
For help with Medicare and Medicare-related insurance SHINE can help. If you want to speak to a SHINE agent, call 413 268-8407 for an appointment. Leave your name and phone number and we'll have an agent contact you.

Companion Program
Are you bored at home? Do you want to get out and meet people but don’t drive anymore? Do you want someone to come and visit regularly? The Companion Program can match you to a peer for social time, companionship, running errands and more. If you would like to have a companion, or if you would like to be a companion, please call us. We can make arrangements for you. 413 268-8407. Funded by a Title III grant from Highland Valley Elder Services.

Medical Rides
Call ahead to schedule free rides to your medical appointments or for necessary errands.. Drivers are paid through PVTA. Please call at least 3 days ahead for your ride; less notice makes it harder to schedule drivers. We encourage people who have very important and/or frequent transportation needs like dialysis to use the PVTA van (Dial-A-Ride rather than rely on volunteer transportation. Call PVTA at 413 739-7436. Books of PVTA van tickets are discounted and available for purchase at The Senior Center.

Carpool Rides
Rides for shopping and errands scheduled through the Senior Center, 413 268-8407. Funded by a Title III grant from Highland Valley Elder Services.

Foot care Nurse, Piper Sagan -- Second Tuesdays
Piper, Williamsburg’s foot care nurse comes on second Tuesday of every other (EVEN) month. Call us 268-8407 to make an appointment ($50). Piper can also do foot care in your home ($80). Call Piper directly 413 522-8432 for a home appointment.

Podiatry, Dr. Coby -- Check the Calendar or call for the next date
Routine foot care on the second Tuesday of the (ODD) month in the Town Office building. Dr. Coby does medical billing—bring your insurance card. Call 413 268-8407 for an appointment.


Yoga for You—Adult Yoga Tuesdays, 6:00 ON Zoom.
Taught by Michele Wolk, this class is geared for active adults. Any adult can join. Class is $12 or 6 classes for $60. Call to register.

Modern/Creative Dance Class -- Weds, 10:00
Dance Class is back on Wednesdays at 10:00 in the Auditorium or outside.
Donations are gratefully accepted to keep programs funded.

T’ai Chi Classes Tuesdays 9:30 - 11:00
Taught by Marty Phinney, T’ai Chi provides simple exercises that help build energy, power and flexibility. Call 413 268-8407 for info & to register. Donations are gratefully accepted to keep programs funded.

Healthy Bones & Balance Not active currently, but hopefully coming soon!
Fun, low impact exercises designed to increase strength, mobility, flexibility and balance, taught by RSVP volunteers. Call to register and fill out a medical clearance form. Class is free.


Third Thursday Men’s Group, Third Thursdays at 8am
“The Guys” meet on the third Thursday of every month at the Williamsburg Snack Shack. For a good time, join them! Email landlwest3315@yahoo.com to sign up.

Ladies Who Lunch, Third Fridays at 11:30
Ladies who Lunch will meet on the third friday of each month at the Williamsburg Snack Shack. Come and see your friends or make new ones! Call 268-8410 to sign up.