During our time of keeping our distance while staying close, Joan has made it so much easier for those in her exercise classes to get through it all. Her daily email messages bring encouraging thoughts, important insights and images of her strategies for “working it out” outside. Her emails are refreshing in more ways than one. Here is one of them:
When times get tough, we have to do our best to keep moving!
It seems like it all changed, in just a mere few days. Life as we knew it came to a screeching halt while fear and anxiety began to escalate. Our day to day routines became disrupted, and it took some time for some to realize just how serious things had become. The reality has now sunk in; it’s a different world out there right now.
In those final days, I recall the experience of being told I could not teach my exercise classes I so adore, I could not teach valuable CPR skills to folks looking to be helpful in a time of need. If someone had told me a month ago that life as we knew it would be changing like never before, I am not so sure I could have believed them yet here it is, right outside our doors.
Here we are in the midst of the corona storm. We all know someone who knows someone impacted by this storm. We are told to stay great distances apart, and while being outdoors is a great idea, you have to avoid all the mobs. As I continue to navigate my way through each day, I know in my heart the most important thing I can do is to “continue to support”. A giver by nature, this comes easily to me. What is harder is relaying it via a media means.
There are some important points that I try to relay. The most important is to be sure you move your body, each and every day, in some way. Maintaining some physical movement is good, for both the mind and body. I created a YouTube channel for all to resource. There are exercise, nutrition and relaxation videos available for all. Check out my channel at:
Subscribe to be informed when I update and add more! I have now begun to also provide Zoom exercise sessions for the Monday, Wednesday and Friday groups. Contact me for additional information.
Routine in your day is an absolute must. Have a plan or a list of what needs to be done! Try to have things that you can incorporate into your day, and make you feel good! Maybe it is reading, calling a friend to talk or writing a poem, tending to your plants, or simply sitting quietly and appreciating being alone. If alone is something you are feeling too strongly, there is an email list that allows participants to write and share with others. If this sounds like something you need in your day, just let me know and on the email distribution list your name will go!
Eating wholesome and healthy foods supports healthy brain function. This is also an important consideration for keeping your immunity at its optimal function. Hand washing and good hygiene along with distance from others is important, but how about being mindful of what you decide to fuel your body with each and every time you reach for something? Carbs are so easy to consume in a pinch, but do not forget to have something with protein content each and every time you eat.
I personally believe the best way to start the best day is to get up and get your exercise out of the way. Morning is a wonderful to wake up your heart and challenge your muscles, or to be outside enjoying fresh air and the beauty that surrounds us here in the hills. I have never been more appreciative of the little trails, low traffic roadways and local little streams. They provide such beautiful and tranquil scenes. Be in these wonderful moments as much as you can; stop and cherish them as the gift that they are. Breathe deeply and expand those lungs, feel your belly extend then engage core to spine. Do not forget your muscles need attention too! Pick up those free weights and crank out a simple strength exercise or two!
Stay plenty hydrated, for this, too, is important as it keeps your joints lubricated and your body functions regulated. It’s great for your skin while it flushes your body of all the crazy toxins!
Maintain a positive attitude the best that you can. It is really easy to be down when you watch the news and engage with others who cannot see the positive things that surround them every day. I am so incredibly thankful for the elders who I am fortunate to know; they have taught me that sometimes you have to admit things are out of your control. Once you acknowledge that this is the case, you can move about your day with greater dignity and grace.
We will gather in person again sometime soon! Until then, be sure to make the effort to take care of YOU. The corona storm will indeed pass. Until then, please stay healthy and safe.
Posted: to All Towns News on Fri, Apr 24, 2020
Updated: Tue, Feb 7, 2023