Wednesday, December 4th, 6 pm
An Intro to Aromatherapy: The Basics
Williamsburg Town Offices Café
143 Main Street, Haydenville
Presenter: Kay Judge, Clinical Aromatherapist
This class is designed to provide a basic understanding of what the use of essential oils is all about. Create a room spray from commonly used essential oils to take home. A materials fee of $25.00 will be collected. All are invited! Please call 268-8407 to register.
Sat. December 7th, 9am-3pm
Fundraiser Vendor/ Craft Fair
John James Memorial Hall, 42 Main St., Goshen
This event raises money for the Chesterfield-Goshen Children’s Fund, which helps provide holiday gifts to local children and families who need a little help this season. Baked goods, handmade wreaths, raffle and more.
Sun. December 15th, 3pm
Hymn Sing
Goshen Congregational Church, 45 Main St., Goshen
Fri. December 20th 9am & 10am
Spa Day at Smith Vocational
80 Locust St. Northampton
Smith Vocational collaborates with the Chesterfield COA by offering a “spa day” once a month to seniors in the surrounding area. Cosmetology students are offering: Haircuts $6.00; Manicures $5.00; Facials $9.00. Please call 413-587-1414 x3531 to make an appointment. Each appointment takes about an hour and are scheduled for 9am and 10am in Room 124 of Building A at the school.
Mondays, 4:30-5:30pm
Ukulele Group
Williamsburg Town Offices, Auditorium
143 Main St. Haydenville
All are welcome! Dan Frank is facilitator and members have varying ability; all come for the sheer enjoyment of strumming their ukuleles and singing along. A free-will offering is collected at the end of the session.
Posted: to All Towns News on Sun, Nov 24, 2019
Updated: Sun, Nov 24, 2019