Seniors Aware of Fire Education

Ways children can help their grandparents keep things safe at home

Senior SAFE Program

Last month, we considered ways in which grandparents can prepare a safe environment for their grandchildren. This month, let's turn things around and consider some ways children can help their grandparents keep things safe. Here are a few ways:

  • Children can test each smoke alarm to make sure it is working by using a broom handle to push the test button.
  • Have the children draw a floor plan of your house and mark with arrows two ways out of every room.
  • Have the children help develop and draw a house fire escape and evacuation plan.
  • Have the children lead a fire drill at your house and help them designate a safe place everyone can meet once out of the house.
  • If your grandchild has participated in a S.A.F.E. program in school, pay attention to his/her suggestions.

Have a SAFE April!

--Worth Noyes, SAFE Educator
Williamsburg & Cummington Fire Departments

The Senior SAFE program is sponsored by many of your fire departments and the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services.

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Posted: to All Towns News on Mon, Apr 22, 2019
Updated: Mon, Apr 22, 2019