Thursday, November 21, 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm
Chesterfield Community Center
Suggested Donation of $10 per class
All materials and supplies provided
Register at
Oil painting has a slow and relaxed tempo which is flexible and very forgiving. Often people avoid this medium thinking it is really hard to use and too expensive to make the investment. These hurdles can be removed, and participants can explore this medium with guidance and without a large financial investment. Using provided materials, new participants will create 2 paintings of simple still lifes and returning participants will work on more challenging still lifes and from photographs. Demonstrations of sketching still life, color mixing and painting with the oil paints will be given while participants explore all these skills and work on their paintings. The goal for participants is to try something new, and stretch their brains all while having a good time! People from all communities are welcome to attend.